The secret service myth..

The secret service myth..

Firstly, let me make it clear that I am in favour of peace and the coexistence of peoples with respect and freedom.
I am not for or against any country or nation or agency.
I believe we need to learn and copy good practices from anyone in the world, letting go of empty egos.

I am not going to hide that in recent days, because of Ukraine, I have been quite concerned to see the youth avoiding military service without recognizing its importance, considering it a chore and lost time... ignoring that, in order for a country to be strong and great, 3 basic pillars are needed.
The enterprise, which supports the country economically and productively, the political fabric, and the legislation of the state.
The most important axis is the soldier who will fight for the country. Read More

The Diplomatic Conflict between the International Alliance and Russia: The Ukrainian Refugee Crisis.

The Diplomatic Conflict between the International Alliance and Russia: The Ukrainian Refugee Crisis.

Ukraine refugee crisis and the main difference from other refugee inflows.

In recent days we have witnessed a sad situation where women and children from Ukraine are crossing the borders of the European Union and Moldova to escape the hell of war. Particularly striking while looking at these images is the fact that they are not the same images as those from the flows from Syria and Afghanistan, i.e. young men or families with all its members or even unaccompanied minors… Read More

Morocco-Israel: Why all the turmoil and shock these days?

Morocco-Israel: Why all the turmoil and shock these days?

Why all the turmoil and shock these days, by Moroccans and non-Moroccans alike, regarding the signing of the Moroccan-Israel agreement, which allows diplomatic relations to resume after 20 years? Well then, let’s look back at the excellent diplomatic relations over the years, as well as the two-way interests that have existed over time between the two countries. And in case any doubts remain, I would like to clarify that Morocco is a multicultural country, consisting of the combination of Arab-Islamists, Berber [amazighe] and Sahara-Hassanic [saharo-hassanie], based on African, Andalusian, Jewish and Mediterranean influences! Read More

Turkey: A blackmailing state with perfect diplomacy

Turkey: A blackmailing state with perfect diplomacy

Turkey’s diplomacy over the years has been based on provocation to Western countries.

Relations with Qatar

Qatar’s relationship with Turkey was strengthened during the financial embargo by the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. Turkey then took advantage of the situation to close a supply deal for the Qatar market in exchange for a military base, and then Qatar boosted Turkey’s economy with petrodollars as the West  had declared a financial war. All of the above happened during the US-Turkey crisis.

Relations with Russia

To draw the West’s attention, Turkey is turning its diplomacy and defense towards Russia by purchasing equipment, the S400, and by training the Turks in nuclear technology to build a nuclear power plant.

Relations with Israel, Pakistan and India

Turkey knows its relationship with Israel has come to an end after Benjamin Netanyahu’s re-election. So it turned its attention to Islamic states where there was a common enemy Israel. It also strengthened its cooperation with India, which paved the way for Turkey to get in return for Pakistan’s defense plans. For its part, Pakistan, as a nuclear country, will also assist Turkey in its plant and defense industry. I would also like to point out the role played by Turkey in the tension that existed between Qatar and Pakistan. Qatar had closed its airspace to Pakistan. However, Turkey mediated and the matter was resolved.

Turkey’s relations with all the abovementioned  countries have given it defense cooperation and religious allies.

The role of Commander in Chief Haftar and the disputed agreement with Libya

And so diplomacy found that Commander in Chief Haftar, who controls most of Libya, has no Western allies – other than France – that could help his government fight the supply of arms by Turkey to Tripoli, which is internationally recognized.

As for Greece’s relations with Haftar, I should point out the following:

1. In his Military Staff there area graduates from Greek military schools, and  he is also a graduate of a Greek military school.

2. It should be noted that the General has prevented illegal immigration.

3. He fought and annihilated ISIS from the territories that are  under his control.

The Greek authorities were aware of all Turkey’s moves under Tripoli’s regime. But they have not decided to join public relations with the general because most countries in the world have recognized Tripoli’s status.

As a result, Turkey will make this mammoth deal that have been discussed during last week. And the Libyan parliament will reject it. So it seemed that Greece’s immediate reaction worked.

The Prime Minister brings everyone to Europe and NATO to take their responsibilities and stands up against the provocation of neighbors. Turkey is trying to debate Greece about the EEZ, a move that Greek diplomacy must prevent.

Jean-Daniel Colombani


Greece: New self-reliant right wing government and Next Day

Greece: New self-reliant right wing government and Next Day

ND winning the election, leading independently with 40% of the votes, I had already predicted in my social networks post (at noon on the election day). After watching the election, I can say what I had not anticipated was the large percentage of SYRIZA votes. However, this percentage of the main opposition is reflected in the social categories of people who went to the ballot box after 16:00, namely students and the unemployed. These are two categories that, in my opinion, Mr. Tsipras approached both through his television appearance on SKAI TV and with the benefits he gave (rent allowances, cards for the purchase of basic necessities, unemployment benefits, the tax-free and low property tax). Especially with the latest promises, he won many votes in some of the more popular areas. Read More

Divide and Obstruct: Populist Parties and EU Foreign Policy

Divide and Obstruct: Populist Parties and EU Foreign Policy

The rise of populism is beginning to shake the institutions that bring Europe together, but despite the promises of several populist figureheads and the fears of many, it is not taking over European politics. The far right has made significant gains, especially in Italy, where Lega picked up an unprecedented 23 seats. In France, the Rassemblement National came first with 23.5 percent of the vote, but it has lost two Members of the European Parliament. The governing populist parties in Hungary and Poland have also performed strongly. Other populist parties expected to fare well in Germany and the Netherlands have underperformed. The populist left is shrinking. Read More

The Imam, the Security and Operation of the Islamic Mosque in Athens

The Imam, the Security and Operation of the Islamic Mosque in Athens

Time counts backwards for the operation of the first official Islamic mosque in Athens, after years of struggle by the Muslim communities of Greece. The government has been involved in a race to complete the next few days the work of redevelopment of the surrounding area, the shaping and equipping of the interior of the mosque, and the process of recruiting Imam. The intention of the government is to function it officially at the beginning of April, and certainly before Easter.
At Maximum’s Palace, there is the thought of giving the proper splendour to the inauguration of the mosque with a great ceremony, to which even the leaders of Islamic states will be invited to attend. This shows that the country’s domestic affair, with the signature of Antonis Samaras, will be exploited by the government to promote the image of the Prime Minister internationally, while at the same time strengthening Greece’s profile, that it fully respects religious rights, constructing and operating a state mosque, as a continuation of the image he has achieved abroad after the Prespa Agreement.
The position of the Muslim communities is that the mosque in Islam is an obligation of the followers and believers rather than the state. They could take advantage of this suggestion without thinking that the mosque was made because Islamic countries were pressing, and not because it was a need to satisfy the religious needs of a large community living in Attica. Read More



We live in a very thankless time. A time without dreams and hopes. A grey era, eroded by unreliability, lies, hypocrisy, doublespeak and nepotism. Examples of today in writing are the fall of values, the collapse of ideologies, the questioning of norms, the abandonment of collective action in favour of individualism, the disappearance of heroes and their substitution by superstars, the pursuit of convenience in oblique ways, the pursuit of ephemeral profit and glory that certainly have nothing to do with greatness.
In the past, political action, ideological struggles were sacred. They gave meaning to people’s lives and wings to hopes for a better tomorrow. Today, politics is in the dock; considered to be the main culprit for the decline of this era. There is a grain of truth to this; but it is not the truth. The problem is complex. Politics and its ministers are products of society. The functioning of the latter is influenced by various factors such as: production relations, the structure of the economy, the dominant ideologies, and the forces that cover them. In other words, politics shapes and is shaped by the functioning of both society and the economy. Read More