Meeting with the General Secretary for Greeks Abroad

Meeting with the General Secretary for Greeks Abroad

Meeting , on Thursday, November 14, at The Foreign Ministry with the General Secretary for Greeks Abroad, Yiannis Chrysoulakis and Jean Daniel Colombani, advisor on immigration policy and organized crime.

This meeting took place in the context of an exchange of views on expatriate Hellenism. During the discussion, it was emphasized on both sides that the Greeks of the diaspora are an important lever for the development of the country. Mr Colombani pointed out to the General Secretary that “the existence of another Greece beyond the defined geographical boundaries is a development itself “. For his part, Mr. Chrysoulakis thanked Mr. Colombani for the constructive discussion they had and renewed their appointment. It was agreed, on both sides, that there should be more frequent communication on issues concerning expatriate Hellenism.

From the Press Office

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